Available plans for ObjectRocket’s hosted MongoDB offering

ObjectRocket currently offers the following three different MongoDB plans:

  • A sharded version

  • A simpler replica set

  • A single database

Sharded instances

Use sharded MongoDB plans for workloads that need to be distributed across multiple machines. Sharded plans are typically for larger data footprints or workloads that have a high level of throughput.

ObjectRocket sharded MongoDB instances are available in 5 GB, 20 GB, 50 GB, and 100 GB shard sizes. If you need a larger instance, contact a Data Specialist.

A sharded instance includes the following items:

  • 4 mongos servers

  • 3 config servers

  • 1 shard

A shard consists of a three-member replica set (one primary node and two secondary nodes). This structure offers data redundancy, fault tolerance, and the ability to use MongoDB maintenance best practices.

ObjectRocket bases the size of any shards that you add to an instance on the selected instance size. For example, on a 50 GB plan, each shard that you add would be 50 GB. The pricing for that instance reflects the total data footprint for all the shards.

The following diagram shows the infrastructure of an ObjectRocket MongoDB sharded instance.

A sharded MongoDB instance with a single shard.

Review the ObjectRocket Sharding and Scaling Guide for more information. If you have additional questions, contact the Support team.

Replica sets

ObjectRocket replica set MongoDB instances are for customers that want the benefits of a highly available MongoDB instance but don’t need the distribution of sharding.

Replica set MongoDB instances are available in 5 GB, 20 GB, 50 GB, and 100 GB sizes. If you need a larger instance, contact a Data Specialist. Like sharded plans, Replica sets also have three members (one primary node and two secondary nodes) but without the mongos servers and config servers required for sharding. The primary node receives all write operations while the secondary nodes replicate the primary’s data. If the primary node is unavailable, then one of the secondary nodes becomes the primary, providing the necessary fault tolerance.


Replica set instances don’t offer ServiceNet connectivity. If you need this feature, use a sharded plan.

The following diagram shows the infrastructure of an ObjectRocket replica set.

MongoDB replica set instance


Replica set instances in Azure are limited to a primary data node, a single secondary data node, and an arbiter instead of two secondary data nodes. These instances are still highly available and applicable for production environments but don’t have the extra layer of redundancy offered by two secondary data nodes.


Use ObjectRocket MongoDB SingleDB for projects that require only a small MongoDB footprint and a single database. It is also a good way to get started with the ObjectRocket MongoDB experience.

These plans offer the following items:

  • A fully containerized MongoDB replica set with high availability and automatic failover (same as our other replica sets)

  • A single MongoDB database

  • The latest version of MongoDB

  • The ObjectRocket MongoDB optimized infrastructure

  • Access to ObjectRocket MongoDB experts

SingleDB instances start with 1 GB and a single database. These instance can grow the MongoDB footprint up to 5 GB but remain just a single database. ObjectRocket automatically handles the changes in size and only charges for usage at 1 GB increments. If you need more than a single database on the instance or more than 5 GB, contact the Support team to switch to a standard replica set.

General connectivity

All ObjectRocket plans have the ability to enable SSL encryption when they connect to the instance. The MongoDB Connections Example section include specific instructions for connecting via SSL encryption.

Certain ObjectRocket data centers have an AWS DirectConnect connection that offers private connectivity between ObjectRocket and an AWS region. This feature lets customers connect their ObjectRocket instance to AWS with a low latency and high bandwidth dedicated link. Find more information in the ObjectRocket-AWS DirectConnect Blog.

The following table outlines the ObjectRocket data center to AWS region combinations.

ObjectRocket region

AWS region

IAD (N. Virginia)

US-East-1 (N. Virginia)

LON (London)

EU-West-1 (Ireland)

LON (London)

EU-West-2 (London)

AUS (Sydney)

AP-Southeast-2 (Sydney)


Some MongoDB types (replica set, sharded, and singleDB) are not available in all ObjectRocket data centers. Be sure to check your availability.

Contact the Support team with any questions.