Migration guide¶
This guide outlines and explains how ObjectRocket prepares and migrates new customer data into its environment. This process includes the following seven phases, generally done in the order given:
Data preparation
1. Data preparation¶
Initially, ObjectRocket gathers all the required information from the source server and prepares the destination environment for the incoming data. During this phase, ObjectRocket gathers the following information:
Location of the data, such as the cloud provider, data center, current architecture, or any other locations
Programming languages used and any associated frameworks
Current driver version and connection configurations
Description of the application model and a discussion of any access patterns
Projected data growth and size
Current pain points and discussion of proposed solutions
Downtime consideration and maintenance schedules
This information helps the ObjectRocket team choose the environment that best suits your needs. Understanding your application helps ObjectRocket avoid any potential scalability issues.
2. Migration¶
During this phase, ObjectRocket assists you with setting up all networking access and identifying any information necessary for access.
After setting up the environment and testing connectivity, migration begins according to the methods outlined in the initial plan.
3. Testing¶
After migration begins, ObjectRocket works with you to test the application’s ability to access the data. This testing includes verification that the instance’s Access Control List (ACL) includes all servers. An ACL is a list of machines allowed to access this data. No other machines have access.
4. Switchover¶
During a scheduled maintenance period, or off-peak business hours, update the connection string within the application to point to the new infrastructure.
ObjectRocket provides any necessary guidance.
5. Verification¶
After you update the connection string, ObjectRocket monitors the instance to ensure everything is working.
6. Recovery¶
The migration plan includes making sure the old environment is available as a backup in the event of a problem. Even if there are no issues, ObjectRocket recommends keeping this backup for at least 48 hours in case you need to access it.
7. Optimizations¶
The application should now successfully point to the instance hosted on the ObjectRocket infrastructure.
The ObjectRocket team offers help with any query and index optimizations, scalability concerns, and with identifying any items to help achieve fast data delivery.