Elasticsearch plans

ObjectRocket for Elasticsearch instances are constructed of many different nodes that form a cluster. When you create an instance, the only nodes you need configure are the data nodes. ObjectRocket builds and prices data nodes based on predetermined plan sizes.

The following content explains what is included in every plan size.

Elasticsearch storage and memory options

This table outlines the plan sizes currently available in the Elasticsearch service on the ObjectRocket Dedicated platform.

Plan size

Storage (PCIe Flash)



4 GB

512 MB


8 GB

1 GB


16 GB

2 GB


32 GB

4 GB


64 GB

8 GB


128 GB

16 GB


256 GB

32 GB


512 GB

64 GB


Plan sizes indicates the resources available on each data node, not the entire cluster. The plan size only indicates the RAM and storage for the data nodes. The other nodes in the cluster have different amounts of storage and scale at different rates than the plan sizes.

What happens when I run out of storage space in my existing Elasticsearch cluster?

The ObjectRocket Support team monitors the health of your cluster and takes action to prevent the cluster from filling up. The most common action is to add a data node at the current plan size. There are, however, scenarios where changing the plan size of all data nodes is a better solution. In those cases, the Support team contacts you via a ticket and presents the options. After you approve the plan resize, the Support team performs it for you, without downtime, and right-sizes the number of resulting data nodes to the data in your cluster.

How do I pick the right plan or cluster size?

A number of factors affect choosing the right plan size aside from the amount of storage you need. Most are based on your unique data usage patterns. The Support team is here to help. ObjectRocket looks at how you’re using Elasticsearch and your growth objectives to offer the right plan recommendation. There is no extra fee for changing plans or the number of data nodes because your cluster layout changes over time.

Things to consider as you get started are:

  • Remember to account for replication. By default, ObjectRocket clusters set number_of_replicas to 1. Ensure that you have twice as much capacity as your data to account for the replica. If you have 16 GB of data, you should have at least 32 GB of capacity.

  • Go no lower than the 8 GB plan size for high-traffic use cases. Smaller (4 GB) plan sizes are available, but they are more suited for testing and lower traffic deployments because of the 512 MB memory footprint.

  • Add enough data nodes. Each cluster starts with 2 data nodes, but you can easily add more via the UI. For example, with 32 GB of replicated data, you could use 2 x 16 GB data nodes, or 4 x 8 GB data nodes. There are advantages to the parallelism and resiliency of more data nodes, and the ability to increase in smaller increments (8 GB versus 16 GB) as you add data nodes, but there is such a thing as too many data nodes. In general, ObjectRocket encourages customers to do a plan resize to a larger plan and fewer data nodes after they’ve reached about 12 data nodes.

  • Test it and make sure you’re getting the performance you want. ObjectRocket uses an 8:1 storage to RAM ratio for all data nodes because it provides enough RAM for most use cases. However, every application is different, and you might need a little more RAM from a larger plan size or another data node to better spread out the traffic, even if you don’t need the extra storage capacity.

Contact the support team if you need help figuring out the right cluster size.