Billing FAQ

What free trials are available?

On the current production ObjectRocket service, you can get a single 30 day trial instance of each type listed below. Your subscription starts 30 days later, or when you spin up above the trial amount.

Trial eligible plans:

  • MongoDB Sharded - 5GB

  • MongoDB Replica Set - 1GB

  • Elasticsearch Clustered - 1GB RAM / 8GB Disk

  • Redis - 500MB

To read more about our trial Terms of Service, follow this link.

What is “tiered pricing”?

Tiered pricing is a way to save money as your data grows on the platform. It’s a graduated tier structure that means your price per GB goes down the bigger our footprint is.

Here’s a link to our pricing calculator, which shows the costs for each tier.

Why do I have multiple ObjectRocket charges on different dates during the month? When will I be billed?

Each database technology has its own subscription with its own anniversary date. The anniversary date is the date that you created an instance or the instance came out of its trial. For example, if you have a Mongo instance created on the 5th and a Redis instance created on the 12th, you will have two different subscriptions that are billed on those dates for each product. This isn’t per instance, but rather technology, so your MongoDB instances are billed on that first anniversary date, and then your Redis instances on the other.

My bill went up, what happened?

Generally your bill will only increase due to added instances, but if you’re utilizing RocketScale:sup:® or our Automated Scaling for Replica Sets, this will also increase your bill as additional capacity is added. If you’d like details on the changes please create a ticket with our Billing team.

I was billed up front, so what happens if I increase or reduce my footprint before my next bill?

ObjectRocket is a subscription based service that bills in advance. The subscription rate is based on the footprint that exists at the time of the transaction.

Because ObjectRocket subscriptions are billed a month in advance, any increases in usage during that month are added as prorated adjustments on the next bill.

For example, if you are charged for 10GB on the first of the month, but raise your footprint to 15GB, you will receive a prorated charge for the increase on your next anniversary date in addition to the updated 15GB subscription amount for the next month.

What happens if I delete my instance and start a new one, will I be billed in advance for that instance again?

If you delete an instance and the create a new one within the same billing period, it will be added to the same subscription with the appropriate prorated charges. If the addition of a new instance takes after the end of the billing period in which your first instance was deleted, a new subscription will be created, for which you will be billed in advance.

What types of credit cards do you accept?

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

What happens if my credit card is declined?

If your credit card issuer declines the transaction, or the credit card is expired or otherwise isn’t allowing the transaction to go through, you will receive emails asking you to update your credit card information.


After approximately 30 days we have not received payment, access to your data will be removed.

What are the Terms of Service?

Here’s a link directly to our Terms of Service.

Where can I get billing Support?

Questions about billing can be sent to our billing team. Billing staff hours are Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM CT. If you open a ticket at night or on the weekend someone will answer the next business day.